I recently reintroduced these to my kid's bath and I told my daughter that she is bathing like a princess. This sparked her attention ;-) I told her about Cleopatra and queen Esther who would bathe in milk to make their skin especially beautiful and vibrant.

We do not have access to high-quality raw milk in such an abundance that I would bathe my children in it. If I could get my hand on any I would definitely not use it for cleansing! We have another natural gem: oats!
Oat on the skin? Don't they belong in a bowl with some maple syrup. That's for breakfast; before bed, we use them in the bath and here's why:
Cleansing abilities: Oats contain a saponin compound (avenacin). These saponins act as natural cleansers.
Different types of phenols in the oats exert antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity.
Antiviral activity- which is a great benefit this time of year.
Moisturizing: Oats contain a high concentration of starches and beta-glucans that are responsible for their water-holding properties, keeping moisture in the skin. (Source)

The sachets contain three flowers as well:
Chamomile: According to this study components of chamomile exhibit anti-oxidant capabilities. This review states that chamomile functions as an antimicrobial, antiallergic, and anti-inflammatory. Active constituents of chamomile promote wound healing, act as moisturizing agents, diminish signs of photodamage and improve skin texture and elasticity.
Lavender: Used in traditional herbal medicine in the treatment of skin disorders, burns, wounds, and ulcers. It is a very mild plant, considered safe to use on young children and babies.
Calendula: Medicinal properties of C. officinalis have been mentioned in Ayurvedic and Unani system of medicine indicating that leaves and flowers are antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial. (Source)
Royal Oatmeal Milk Bath Sachet:
¼ cup dried lavender flowers
¼ cup dried chamomile flowers
¼ cup dried calendula flowers
1 cup oatmeal, rolled oats or colloidal oats
20 drops of lavender essential oil
Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Add essential oil and mix again.
Fill a sachet with a tablespoon or two of the mixture and tie it shut.
To use in a bath: Place in the tub and fill with warm water. Squeeze the sachet and fill the bath with this wonderful smelling milk. It can also be used as a scrub.
To use in the shower: run the sachet under the water and scrub your body with it while squeezing. Feel the milky soap cleansing and moisturizing.