Sweating is a bodily function that helps regulate your body temperature. Also called perspiration, sweating is the release of a salt-based fluid from your sweat glands. Changes in your body temperature, the outside temperature, or your emotional state can cause sweating.

The body always tries to excrete toxins out from the body and one of the ways is through sweating. A good sweat removes toxins that support a healthier immune function. Studies have shown that sweating is also an effective way to detoxify certain heavy metals that are not essential to our bodies -- these include the metals that are found in the environment such as iron, zinc, chromium, manganese, etc. Although we need such metals in our bodies, heavy toxic amounts will cause harm and dysfunction.
Heavy metals disrupt your body's metabolic functions. They accumulate, and thereby disrupts functions in vital organs and glands such as the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and etc. They also take over the vital nutritional minerals from their original place, thereby, hindering their individual biological function.
Why do we sweat?
Our skin is the largest organ in our body. The glads that are found in our skin filter the toxins out of the body, which purposely boosts the immune system. When our body temperature rises due to physical activities, heat, stress, and etc, our body automatically regulates our temperature by keeping the internal temperature on a comfortable level -- sweating will help you cool down your body temperature. Sweat is a liquid made from 99% water and 1% salt and fat. Up to a quart of the sweat evaporates each day. As the water in the sweat evaporates, the surface of the skin cools. An additional function of sweat is to help with gripping, by slightly moistening the palms.

Why does sweating healthy?
Our skin releases certain toxins, like alcohol and waste products.
It detoxifies our bodies.
It eliminates a certain amount of salt in our body which prevents kidney stones from forming.
It promotes healthy circulation throughout your organs, muscles, and tissues.
Sweating eliminates too much liquid from your body which increases your thirst and the need to drink more water. Drinking a lot of water has lots of benefits including lowering the risk of kidney stones.
The pores on our skin open up and allow for a protective barrier to form against pathogens, reducing bacteria on the skin (this can benefit many skin problems like acne).
It boosts your endorphins. You can expect prolonged sweating in the gym during strenuous exercise or even brisk walking in the sun. Exercise increases the level of endorphin hormones to "feel good", which are released naturally during physical activity. A 2009 study published in the journal Biology Letters found that group exercise actually increased endorphin levels and caused less pain in those who exercised together than in those who exercised alone.
It prevents you from colds and other illnesses. A 2013 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences showed that dermcidin is a highly effective agent for fighting not only TB (tuberculosis) germs but other dangerous insects as well. Researchers assume that these natural substances are more effective in the long term than conventional antibiotics since germs cannot quickly develop resistance. The natural antibiotic is naturally activated in salty and slightly acidic sweat.
Sweating during exercise generally means that you are reaching a level of exercise that is beneficial for cardiovascular health. Some evidence suggests that sweaty people exercise more intensely and fitter people sweat earlier and more intensely, but the huge differences in timing and amount of perspiration between people make these claims unreliable. Instead, focus on getting to a level of exercise (or sauna time) where sweat really shows up, rather than timing or quantity. Just because it's summer and it is hot outside doesn't mean you shouldn't exercise. On these days, exercise in an air-conditioned environment, choose the coolest times of the day, and stay hydrated. Stop exercising if you notice any unusual symptoms, such as dizziness and nausea.
With regard to saunas, research confirms some of the long-held beliefs of the Finnish people that sweating in saunas is beneficial to health. Relief from heat-induced stress and potential beneficial effects on heart health may be the real benefits. Similar to exercise, the activity behind sweating (not the perspiration itself) is what really makes us healthy.