A sore throat is a sore, scratching, or irritated throat, often aggravated by swallowing. The most common cause of sore throat (pharyngitis) is a viral infection, such as a cold or flu. A sore throat caused by a virus goes away on its own.

Cold and flu seasons can be unpredictable each year, but there are many over-the-counter medications that can help relieve these unpleasant symptoms. For example, Mucinex recently launched Mucinex InstaSoothe, a new line of lozenges and sprays designed for pain relief, sore throat, and pain relief. Lozenges contain ingredients such as hexylresorcinol (also known as Hex). This ingredient is a local anesthetic for topical application to the mucous membranes, providing a numbing effect to the throat and mouth, providing the relief needed.
What are the symptoms of a sore throat?
A sore throat can make swallowing painful. Sore throats can also be dry and scratched. A sore throat can be a symptom of sore throat, colds, allergies, or other upper respiratory tract disorders. The symptoms of a sore throat can vary depending on what caused it. It may be:
pain or scratchy sensation in the throat
pain that worsens just by swallowing or talking
white patches on your tonsils
runny nose
pink eye (rarely)
Bacteria cause sore throat, so antibiotics are needed to treat infections and prevent rheumatic fever and other complications. Doctors can't tell if they have a sore throat just by looking at your throat. If your doctor thinks you may have a sore throat, they may test to see if this is causing your illness.

What are the fastest home remedies for sore throat?
Even when your sore throat is not as severe as seeing a doctor, it can still be painful and there are instances that you may not be able to sleep soundly because of it. Fortunately, you can use home remedies to relieve pain and irritation.
The following is the list of natural home remedies that we have gathered to treat your sore throat.
Salt water
Salt water is a great home remedy for sore throats as it can reduce swelling and soothe inflammation and irritation. It can also help attract infections or irritants to the surface of the throat. Dissolve 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water and gargle every 1-2 hours.
Honey mixed with tea or consumed alone is a common home remedy for sore throats. One study found that honey was significantly more effective at nighttime cough than conventional cough suppressants. Other studies have shown that honey is an effective wound-healing agent, meaning it may help speed up the healing of sore throats.
Baking soda
Salt water gargles are more often used, but gargling with baking soda mixed with salt water can also help relieve sore throats. Gargling with this solution will kill bacteria and prevent yeast and mold growth.
Take a steam shower
“The steam helps to hydrate the airways,” says Dr. Griffiths. “Any amount of fluid can relieve symptoms,” he says. "Under normal circumstances, the tissues in the throat secrete mucus and, when swollen, can become dry and scratchy," he explains. Moisture can help bring moisture back to the area and soothe it.
Studies have shown that regular consumption of garlic supplements may help prevent the common cold virus. Adding fresh garlic to your diet is also a way to gain antibacterial properties. Your grandmother might have advised you to take a clove of garlic to soothe a sore throat. Garlic has many medicinal properties, so you can try it, but you can brush your teeth later to protect your teeth from enzymes and improve breathing.
Herbal teas
Turmeric is a trendy spice that you must add to your diet. Some benefits, including the ability to prevent cancer or brain disease, require more research, but their anti-inflammatory properties are well known and may help relieve sore throat, Dr. Finkelston said. Add a few drops to your tea or salt water gargle.
Septic pharyngitis is an extremely painful bacterial infection that can develop suddenly. Fortunately, the majority of bacterial infections, including streptococcus, usually respond well to a single course of appropriate antibiotics. A sore throat can have many different causes, so some symptoms (such as otolaryngologists and allergists) should be evaluated by a specialist. These include:
Severe, prolonged, or recurrent sore throats
Difficulty breathing, swallowing, or opening the mouth
Joint pains, earache, or a lump in the neck
Rash or a fever above 101°F
Hoarseness lasting 2 weeks or longer
White patches on your throat
Blood in saliva or phlegm